Command Key In Mac With Pc Keyboard

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Keyboard Mapping

When you attach a Windows keyboard to a Mac, all of the modifier keys are mapped to the corresponding Mac modifier keys: ‘Command' is mapped to the ‘Windows' key. ‘Option' is mapped to the ‘Alt (left)' key. ‘Option + Control' is mapped to the ‘Alt GR (right)' key. As noted above, the Alt key is the same as the Option key on the Mac, while the Windows key is the same as the Command key. The problem is that on a Windows keyboard, these two keys are swapped in respect to their normal placement on the Mac keyboard. Since their functions are identical, you could just get used to their locations on the Windows. We run through the various key combinations using Alt/Option, Control, Command, Fn and other keys on your Mac keyboard. Including key combinations for saving, copying, pasting, printing, keys to.

Currently the following keys are considered equivalent.

Command (Apple)Windows
ClearNum Lock

Here is an example of a common keyboard activity:

Viewer Type (client)Host
CopyMacWindowControl key + c
CopyWindowsMacWindows key + c

Right-Click from a Mac Client

Copy Command On Mac Keyboard

Latest adobe download for mac. To right-click an item on a host Windows PC from a Mac client, hold + and then click. You can also select the Set Right-click button in the Mac Viewer to set your next mouse click to be a PC right-click.

Alternatively referred to as the beanie key, cloverleaf key, cmd key, open Apple key, or command, the command key is a key created by Susan Kare found on all Apple keyboards. The picture is an example of the command key looks on the Apple keyboard next to the control and option keys.

Command Key In Mac With Pc Keyboard

Users who are not familiar with Apple computers, but are familiar with IBM compatible computers, can relate this key to the Microsoft Windows key. If you have a Windows keyboard on an Apple computer, the Windows key becomes the command key.

Command keyboard shortcuts

Below is a listing of Command key shortcuts that work most Apple macOS programs. Clicking the shortcut opens the page for that shortcut with a full list of supported programs.

Command+AThese two keys selects all text or other objects.
Command+BBold highlighted text.
Command+CCopy any selected text or other objects. See the Control C page for further information.
Command+DIn most Internet browsers, it is used to add the current site to a bookmark.
Command+EIn macOS it can be used to eject a volume or disk
Command+FOpen find.
Command+GAdvance through results after using the Find tool or move to a specific line in a document.
Command+HWith text editors, used to find and replace a text.
Command+IItalicize text.
Command+JIn Apple's macOS, pressing Command+J opens the View options window
Command+KCreate a hyperlink for the highlighted text in Microsoft Word and many HTML editors.
Command+LIn Microsoft Word, used to left align text.
Command+MMinimize a program to the Dock.
Command+NCreate a new page or document.
Command+OOpen a file in most programs.
Command+POpen print window to print page you're viewing.
Command+QQuit or exit a program.
Command+RShow or hide the ruler.
Command+SSave the document or file.
Command+TOpen a new tab in an Internet browser.
Command+UUnderline selected text.
Command+VPaste any text or other objects that was copied.
Command+WClose the front window for an application.
Command+XCut selected text or other objects.
Command+YRedo an action recently reversed using the undo command.
Command+ZPressing these two keys will undo any action.
Command+DeleteDelete a selected file or folder.

See our shortcut key list for a full listing of all shortcuts.

How to create the command cloverleaf key symbol in HTML

To create the Cloverleaf key symbol (⌘) in HTML, use the special HTML character code ⌘ in your HTML code.

Mac Keyboard Commands

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Apple terms, Cmd, Keyboard terms, Operating system terms, Option key

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